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Gods & Species

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magic image
magic image

The magic system is inspired by programming. Magic can be used by people only when channeling spells. For a person to cast a spell it must first be created. Spells are in general extremely difficult to create but once created can be reused quickly with little effort. The process for creating a spell is extremely personalized; it is affected by everything from when a person is born to their height and eye color. This makes transferring spells in between people extremely difficult and often it’s easier just to make you own from scratch. This is one of the plot’s driving forces, because for a person to create the summoning spell found in the book would take years for a team of the greatest magicians to translate it into a castable spell. Hence the initial, simple spell is required to summon a weak demon tailor made to cast the greater spell entombed. Another limiting factor for magic is that casting spells produces lots of smoke which comes out of the caster’s lungs through their mouth and nose and can suffocate magicians who aren't careful. Smoke is an integral part of magician’s existence, schools that teach magic exclusively are built with this idea in mind. They have lots of fans and ventilation spewing smoke out of high towers and lofted ceilings (Think howl's moving castle). Magician’s smoke all have a different scent, some smell like burning cherrywood, others like hickory, Cole’s smoke uniquely smells like burning charcoal rather than a kind of wood.

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Levels of magic

Stonic: Anything is possible, this is the most powerful magic but also the most difficult spells to create. Produces the least smoke.

Runic: Anything except for creating something from nothing and vice versa, or creating life. It produces the second least amount of smoke.

Hieroglyphic: This magic is capable of performing any physical task. It is the second easiest to create spells and produces the second most amount of smoke.

Symbolic: This magic is capable of doing anything capable by a single normal human, it is the quickest and easiest to create spells for but produces the most smoke.

Tarot Card Tarot Card Tarot Card Tarot Card
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There are a few occasions when magic is not an option.

1. On the open ocean: leviathan gods lay under the surface, and will sink any boat where magic is practiced
2. Magic nullifiers: These items subtly distort reality in ways that effect spells ability to function.
3. Unfaithfuls: If an intelligent beast receives the blessing of more than one of the seven gods they are considered unfaithful. When an unfaithful beast practices magic imbued with multiple god's blessings, the presiding god will take notice and kill the transgressor.

 There are two exceptions to the above rule:
 A. Inside any domain of a deity.
 B. Inside domain of Ubiquity. (Ubiquity is the most powerful god and does not share the monogamous opinions of the other gods. They will freely give their blessing to anyone who requests it even if they have already received one from another god.)

Magical Items

 Items imbued with magic emit a fog which falls as opposed to rising like the magical smoke. The fog gives off the same sent as the magician's smoke who cast the spell upon the item. Magical items are common and come in all forms. Most are for everyday use but the interesting ones are for combat, both offensive and defensive.
 Magic nullifiers: Magic nullifiers are objects created my magicians that can alter the conditions in a radius around them. The nature of spells can change depending on outside physical conditions, these items subtly distort reality in ways that effect spells. A common example is a ring that changes the humidity around its bearer. Multiple magic nullifiers can be worn at the same time making it increasingly difficult for would be attackers to counter the effects. Because magical items create a fog, a large amount of nullifiers cover an area in mist.

Giga Satan

And lo, the fallen god of yore, a selfish and demonic creature of great power and malevolent intent. Though its physical form hath perished, its essence remains. Its wings, once grand and majestic, now tattered and torn, doth stretch wide and dark, ready to bear its wrath upon the mortal realm. Its horns, sharp and twisted, doth jut forth from its smoke-filled visage, a symbol of its majesty. Beware ye all who dare to cross its path.

The Monograph

The ancient monograph, bound in the hides of beasts long since extinct. Its pages, yellowed and cracked with age, doth contain the arcane knowledge of summoning the fallen god. The cover, adorned with intricate symbols and runes bear witness to the power contained within. The book's spine, reinforced with bands of iron, doth attest to its weight and import. Upon opening the monograph, the musty scent of centuries past assail thy senses. The pages, thick and heavy contain the incantations and rituals necessary to summon the god back to life. The script, written in blood and ink, doth only whisper of the sacrifices required and the dire consequences of failure. The illustrations, etched in gold and silver depict the god in all its demonic glory.